3900 N Island Hwy, Nanaimo
Mon-Fri: 8-4:30 & Sat-Sun: Closed
20 Sep 2022
what is tempered glass

What is Tempered Glass?

The Uses and Benefits of Tempered Glass Unless you are involved in a field of work where glass manufacture or use is front and center, it’s a good bet that you haven’t given much thought to tempered glass and what makes it different from annealed (i.e. ordinary) glass.  Tempered glass has an incredibly important role that really can mean the...

25 May 2022
different types of window panes

Different Types of Window Panes

Why the Window Pane You Choose Matters When most homeowners or business owners think about needing new windows they consider the size, shape, style and frame, but often the type of window pane itself isn’t a consideration. Different window panes can offer benefits such as heat insulation, or reflection, increased privacy, sound reduction and perhaps most importantly, increased energy efficiency...

23 Feb 2022
Curb Mounted Skylights

Skylight Replacement

Is it Time to Replace Your Skylight? Skylights are a great, eye-catching addition to any home. Not only do they bring in additional light, making smaller spaces seem larger, but they can reduce energy bills too. However, like any window, over time the seals can become worn, which can lead to issues such as leaking or mould. When this happens,...

25 Jan 2022
Frosted glass

Using Frosted Glass for Light and Privacy

How Frosted and Textured Glass Can Increase Privacy Without Blocking Light  Using frosted glass is an excellent way to preserve the natural light in your home and maintain nighttime and daytime privacy. This is especially important in the most personal rooms in your home, like the bathroom. Obscured glass is also a great way to avoid needing curtains or blinds...

09 Dec 2021
commercial vs residential glass

5 Key Differences Between Residential and Commercial Glass

Choosing the Correct Glass for Your Project Residential and commercial glass are made differently and designed to stand up to different environments. Some residential customers might choose commercial glass, while others might choose residential glass. Choosing the correct glass for the right project can be tricky and with so many choices out there, it can be difficult to know which...